Noah turns 6 months, gets his first teeth & first haircut

A little late (again), but he's SIX months!! Crazy 😵 He celebrated by getting his first teeth!

It was a struggle! Teething and a heat wave are not a good match 😅😣
Emotionally, these past six months have been a roller coaster for me. Having a child and becoming a mother at the same time was a little much 😅 I've learned that most people go through the same whirlwind of emotions. You're being tugged between your life before having a child and life after. Everything is new. And big! You're completely in love. And then feeling overwhelmed. And then feeling guilty for having negative emotions and not just immense gratitude. As if you can't feel both. It's not easy. But many things that are amazing in life are not easy.
I try not to compare my life to others, or Noah to other kids. But sometimes it's really difficult. Especially with social media. You're constantly bombarded with other people's lives and opinions. It's easy to go down the rabbit hole of thinking everyone else's life is so perfect.
And what's up with momshaming!? Honestly... Everyone has an opinion on everything it feels like. And whatever you do you're doing it wrong.
At the end of the day I think most people do their best and I also believe that's enough. We don't have to be perfect to live a good life, raise good people and do good things. We need to do our best, be willing to grow and to own our mistakes. Because, shocker, we all make mistakes. And being perfect is just an illusion.

Summer boy ❤ The sunglasses don't stay on for very long, but they taste good apparently 😅

Got his first haircut 😍 He was a little skeptical, but seemed to enjoy it for the most part.